Education is the key to unlocking the world,
a passport to freedom!

- Oprah Winfrey

Pre-primary (KG Section)

Early education starts with choosing the right preschool

  • Child Centered Learning through Play Way.
  • Field Trips.
  • Enhancement of Practical Life Skills.
  • Developing Literacy and Numeracy Skills through innovative Teaching Learning Materials.
  • Quality Circle Time.
  • Enhancing love for books and reading.
  • Music, Dance, Art, Craft - Focusing on development of Rhythm and Eye-Hand Co-ordination.

What We Learn Becomes a Part of Who We Are

Schooling is the most important part of an individual's life. Thinking is one thing that can make and destroy at the same time. Therefore it is important to teach children how to think good and do well. Their way of thinking will decide on what kind of a person he or she will be in future. Our school constructs a strong base of values and open door to a world of opportunities to make a better life. To know more about the importance of good schooling in the life of an individual and its contribution to the society check out the info graphic.