Tell me and I forget
Teach me and I remember
Involve me and I learn

- Benjamin Franklin

Annual Sports Day 2018-19

K.J.VIDHYAMANDIR held "ANNUAL SPORTS DAY" on 4th and 5th January, 2019. Special guest are Ms.Navka Patel, Mr.Ketul Maheria and Mr.Sunil Kumar.

Students from KG to 10th participated in sports enthusiastically. There were games like Matching Color, frograce, Kangaru Race, Eating Buscuits, Burning Balloons, Mat Folding, Book Balancing, Lemon And Spoon, Pair break Road, Table-Tennis, Reverse Race, Rally Race etc were held to simulate students physically and mentally. They were challenged with simple day to day tasks in races like get ready for school, thread and needle and eating biscuits. And sports like badminton, Slow cycling tested their dexterility.

Students and Teachers all Enthusiastically participated and won places in Sports.